Monday, February 10, 2020

Obituary 4-Robert LaFontaine (A heartless jerk?)

Senator Robert (Row-bear) LaFontaine was found dead in a comprising situation with his office clerk, Dinah Horn. Both were brutally murdered and had their hearts removed.

The Senator first came to prominence when he prosecuted the case against Latrice Descartes fourteen years ago. There is some speculation this case could be related, but authorities, among them Eau Boueuse Police Chief Raiford Reynolds, a long-time acquaintance with the Senator, strongly deny the possibility.

There are no strong suspects at this time, but there are several persons of interest, among them, Chief Reynolds himself, Dr. Larkin Sloan Reynolds, the Chief's wife, and the Senator's wife, Deanna LeCouer LaFontaine.

Senator LaFontaine is survived by his wife, Deanna, his twin childern, Kyle and Kimberly, and his parents, Evan and Alexis LaFontaine.

The attendance at Robert LaFontaine's funeral held at Christ the King Catholic Church in Baton Rouge ranged from actual homeless victims to foreign dignitaries. On top of the closed coffin, Deanna LaFontaine placed a flattering portrait in which Robert's hair had not begun to thin and his pale blue eyes looked wistful. Even in the end, she maintained the illusion that Robert was a family man as she and her two children and Robert's parents, Evan and Alexis, sat together in solidarity.
In related news four other victims around the state have been reported to have been found the same as the Senator: Judge Salus in Le Place was discovered dead without a heart two months ago; 'Beverly Vaughn, a DHS representative in Metairie was found two weeks later, no heart; and a couple in Kenner, the Byrds, suffered the same fate a week after that. FBI is now joining forces with several other law enforcement agencies around the state since there seems to be some connection to these brutal slayings.

You still have time to get your copy of Heartless--A BLOODY VALENTINE!

Cover design by Christopher Chambers.

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