Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Inspiration 63

I don't really have a scripture to share with this last entry for Spirits' Desire, but we can't have a story without a villain. Spirits' Desire gets several villains. 1. Ike poses as a man of the cloth and then offers to help Rennin of the 1800s mine they gold he's found, only to try to take it all for himself. 2. Max is the husband of Rennin's eldest sister, and he knows a dark secret, which he reveals to devastate Rennin in the 1800s. Max also causes Rebekah to get shot, rendering her unable to have children after the twins. There are several other lesser bad guys that the O'Rourkes have to contend with in the 1800s, but these are the main two.

The biggest evil Rennin of the 1600s must battle is the one that followed them from Draconis. Quazel is like a bad penny--she comes back, but this time only in spirit. 

To give justice with excerpts would reveal way too much about the plot, so grab a copy. All my books can be found by following the links on my website. And I think I'll skip the pics I used for inspiration this time. Just picture Pierce Brosnan as Max and Sean Penn as Ike. Use your imagination.

Cover by Christopher Chambers.

1 comment:

  1. Sean Penn is a perfect Ike. Yes, quite a few villains in this series but I don't none is deadlier than Quazel!
