Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas vacation = write time

2 very rough chapters for one of my upcoming YA books:
Gullna pirouetted to see all the Selkies. ''It is time for a vote.
''All voting guilty of treason?"
A loud wail went up.
''No!" Tae shrieked.
''Why?" Gullna challenged, standing toe-to-toe with Tae. Terk and Tor rushed to stand beside their sister.
An old Selkie with bagging skin limped forward. ''He was a child and he has repented. How can you pass judgement on a child? You spared their others who repented."
''Grandmother,'' Chuain choked.
''Grandmother,'' Gullma said without reverence. ''Chuain's actions affected all of this world—from Soarget Wetter to Talamhfaerie to Fharraige to Fearainn to Cuan Mara. When Leviaddan left here, he created that abominable Kraken with that deplorable Sea Witch. He turned the Megaladons. Even we Selkies fear those creatures."
''It was not Chuain's fault! If he had stayed, he would be dead, too. And he never had time to create an heir."
''Sentimental old woman." Gullna shook her head. ''Not guilty?"
A low murmur met their ears.
Tiefer sighed. ''Chuain Aon, you have been found guilty of treason by a court of your people. What is the sentence of the people?"
The old Selkie grabbed Gullna's arm. ''Banish him."
Gullna signaled Stormur to remove their grandmother. He said when he took the Selkie's arm, ''I will not be a party to what might prove to be murder." He led the old woman through the crowd.
Kristal cried, ''Nor I!" She felt for Stormur. With his other hand, he led her away, too.
''It is not my decision." Gullna bit her lip. ''Selkies, what say you?"
For the next several minutes, small pebbles landed at Gullna's feet. With a deep sigh, she said, ''It is decided."
The Fae began a solemn chant and moved farther back. The Elves turned their backs, pulling Terk and Tor with them, from harm's way.
The circle of Selkies tightened. Those who disagreed wondered away.
Since Stormur left, two others dragged Chuain to the center of the circle of Selkies.Since Stormur left, two others dragged Chuain to the center of the circle as the Selkies in the water seemed to walk out of their aquatic skin and stood naked. Each Selkie lifted a large stone.
Gullna lifted hers and dropped it at her brother's feet. ''The will of the people,'' she said and stepped away.
Tae took in the scene in horror. ''Tiefer,'' she pleaded through tears. ''Do something."
The Elf Guardian stopped and turned back, still holding fast to Tae's siblings. ''Though disappointed, I have no authority to interfere with another race's rules and judgements."
Gullna nudged Tae away from the circle, but Tae elbowed the Selkie out of her way.
''No! No! No!" Tae clenched her fists, ''I am Taekeyla Ignis, Water Elemental. My father is Nephilim. My mother is an Angel. My father's father was an angelic being. My other ancestors are gods and goddesses. I am not bound by your stupid rules!"
With all her might, Tale created a stream of water and raced toward Chuain, sending him flying over the Selkies closest to the water.
His resounding splash was overshadowed by the squelching sound of a hundred stones striking Tae at once.
Terk screamed.
Tor bellowed.
Tiefer shrieked.
The Sprites emitted an ear-splitting, sustained soprano note and circled overhead, creating a whirlwind.
The Fairies' teeth elongated to razor-sharp spikes, and their deep timbre rattled the ground.
Louder than any sound, ''No!" Chuain roared.
The being charging toward the beach looked nothing like a scaly fish-man. His long black hair hung to his waist. Eyes the color of the darkest storm clouds spewed anger. He matched Yarwhin pound for pound, inch for inch. Oblivious to his state of undress or change in appearance, Chuain flung Selkies and Elves alike to the side forging a path to Tae.
Terk and Tor elbowed Elves to clear the way to their sister.
The old Selkie shoved Gullna from her path. ''Now you will stand trial."
''I cast no stones, Grandmother."
The old Selkie snorted and raised her hands for quiet. ''The Beast of Cuan Mara has been restored. As foretold, the love of one willing to die in his place has revived Chuain Aon."
Chuain finally knelt and lifted Tae into massive arms. ''Oh, my love. Why did you do that?"
She barely whimpered at his touch. Eyes swollen nearly shut, bones broken, blood trickling from too many lacerations to count, she struggled to lift her hand to his face. ''You." She struggled to breath. ''Are…so…beautiful."
Tiefer wailed, ''No! She cannot be the sacrifice. I never meant my words to be prophetic. Forgive me."
The Elves joined the lament. The Fae and the Niads groaned in three-part harmony to the Elves' descant. The sound haunted the area.
Beneath the requiem, a wicked cackle floated ashore. Wrach Môr laughed a good way beyond the Niads. ''No way to free Yarwhin now."
Tae's voice barely audible to those nearest her, she said, ''Chuain…promise me…'
''You find…Tears of Godetta. If you find them…'' She coughed, blood flowed from her mouth. ''It'll be as if I…found them…for you are…my heart. I love you."
Her hand dropped, leaving a streak of blood on Chuain's face.
''Ahhhhh!" he thundered, and the ground shook. ''No! You make me want to live. Do not leave me, Tae. I love you." The big man gathered Tae to his chest and sobbed.
The sound broke Terk's heart. She and Tor knelt beside the man who loved their sister.
Terk gasped, ''By the gods!"
''Chuain!" Tor hollered. He ripped off the sheath that held his dagger and tossed the weapon to the side. He captured the gargantuan tears flowing from the Selkie's eyes.
A tear escaped and splashed onto Tae's face with a soft hiss.
She gasped.
Her body convulsed with popping and cracking sounds.
Her eyes fluttered closed and then open.
Chuain held her tighter. ''Thanks be to the gods!"
Tae caught sight of her siblings faces.
''What?" she asked.
Tor sputtered, ''Th-th-the Tears of Godetta. When you died."
''I died?"
"He shed them,'' Terk muttered.
Tae's brow creased. ''The Tears could not have been with him all these years."
''No,'' the aged Selkie said. ''Many millennia ago, so our stories go, the Dragon Goddess escaped here to die. She planted her tears within the Selkie ruler, and they passed to each ruler. They could only be transferred at the moment of death. No one has ever witnessed the transference. Thus, we considered it lore."
She lifted her hands and turned in a circle. ''Behold your King!"

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